Keep up to date on all latest product information. Subscribe for the latest reviews and tutorials. Up to 17 cpm as fast as 3. Photo, document and large format for business and home. You can easily print directly from memory cards, digital cameras, camera phones and even enhance your images before printing on a 1. Use with genuine Canon Photo Inks for true photo-quality output.
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GP 4 x 6 - Photo Paper Glossy - sheets This vibrant, glossy paper gives you crisp, clear pictures that are high quality without the high cost--an economical choice for great prints.

Genuine Canon Paper for quality images. Letter, Legal, Credit Card 2. Re-install the printer driver after upgrading to Windows 8. An economical choice for great prints.

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PS Photo Stickers 4 x 6 - 5 sheets If you need to create employee ID cards or small photos just for fun, photo sticker sheets are perfect for you. View All Social Media. Want to turn your photos into works of art?

We employ a team from around the world. Warranty repair or replacement shall not extend the original warranty period of the Product.

Photo Paper Plus Glossy II 4" x 6" 50 Sheets Photo paper plus glossy II yields a glossy finish with exceptionally rich colors, giving your images the look and feel of a traditional photograph. Dimension W x D x H. Great for portrait and wedding and fine art photography prints. Please select your operating system from the list above to see if your product is supported.

High-gloss and heavyweight photo paper produces truly remarkable photo lab quality prints. Beautiful luster finish provides an elegant surface that resists fingerprints and virtually eliminates glare. Visit the Canon Online Store. Find consumables for your business printer. Canon UK facebook twitter instagram youtube gplus. Canon USA does not guarantee same day shipment in the event of the occurrence of factors beyond its reasonable control. High quality printers and faxes for your business.


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