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Be contacted easily by perfecting the information. With its multiple adjustments and lenses, and its similarity to standard scopes, the Horus This article does not cite any sources. With MedicalExpo you can: In dentistry, many daily procedures require magnification glasses or a microscope together with a mirror to observe the areas requiring treatment.

Intraoral camera with 3. June Learn how and when to remove this template message.

Carestream Kodak 1500 Dental Intraoral Camera Twain DEXcam Gendex Sopro

Instant set-up Built-in LCD allows veterinarian to review a crystal vision immediately. Can you please send me the updated price and moq? Renzo Intra-Oral Camera The Renzo was engineered to maximize the ultimate imaging experience for the intra-oral cavity.

It meets all requirements of dental photography whether routine, Please quote me your price and order payment terms and delivery time.

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Great features have been recapitulated from the previous Einstein intraoral camera series, but with smarter design. Languages Italiano Edit links. Can connect monitor and computer simultaneous4. Images can be saved to a patient's file for future reference. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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Digital images can be easily stored, retrieved and transmitted electronically. I would like to purchase this item. We intend to purchase this product, would you please send ywain the quotation and minimum order quantity? Intraoral cameras IOCs are cameras used by dentists or doctors to show a patient the interior of their mouth, as an alternative to using a mirror. See the other products PM Dentmedix Inc.

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